University of California San Diego (International Program)

University of California San Diego (International Program)


Why choose University of California San Diego?

  • Part of the ten-campus University of California system: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz
  • 14th internationally in the 2014 Academic Rankings of World Universities conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China
  • 5th among U.S universities in total research and development expenditures by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for 2013
  • 6th in the nation, 2nd among all U.S public institutions, and 13th in the world for total research output by the journal Nature in their 2014 index
  • 1st in the U.S for Positive Impact on the United States by the Washington Monthly College Guide
  • Six Nobel Prize winners on the faculty
  • A huge campus (over 5 square kilometres) overlooking the Pacific

University of California San Diego English Language Institute was awarded as the Best English Language Institute in the USA, according to Ryugaku Journal.


Courses offered:

4 weeks programs:

  • Conversation
  • Conversation & Fluency
  • Academic English
  • Business English
  • Medical English

10 week programs:

  • Communication and Culture
  • Intensive Communication and Culture
  • Intensive Academic English
  • Intensive Business English
  • Intensive Legal English
  • Intensive TOEFL Preparation
  • University Preparation Academy
  • Intensive Pre-University

University Credit Programs

  • University and Professional Studies (UPS)

This program is also suitable for working professionals who wish to improve their knowledge to help them stay current with industry trend and changes.

Universities in many countries count these credits towards their own bachelor’s or master’s degree programs.

  • Academic Connections International

Date: 10-30 July 2016

This is a summer 3-week University of California San Diego academic and residential immersion program targeted to international secondary students who are 16-18 years of age and have advanced English proficiency. Students enroll in one course to explore a particular topic in depth. In addition to a challenging and active learning experience, social and recreational activities are planned for the afternoons and on weekends. This program is for students with strong academic records and advanced English proficiency who would like to have an insightful American pre-university preparation experience along with American teenage students.

  • Summer Session

TEFL Certification

Business Program (Business Essentials / Intermediate Business Essentials / Business Management/ Project Management)

The popular Business Management and Business Essentials certificate program offers students the opportunity to build job skills and knowledge to prepare for graduate studies through an extensive introduction to U.S business practices. To complement the classroom experience, internships are incorporated into both of these business programs, allowing each student the opportunity to apply what is learned in an American workplace and gain a competitive edge in the global job market.


Please contact us for more information on University of California San Diego International Program.


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